Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Shih-Fang Wang

Summer Lover


Summer is a lover

With passion of fire

The blazing sun is

His ardent heart


His love is stifling

Kiss scorching

Devotion simmering

Embrace smothering


He amasses great vigor

From the other three seasons

Only to lavish in the dog days

His temper is unpredictable

Emotions are clownish


His jealousy electrifies

With flicking lightnings

His anger bombards

With chaotic storms

He warns oppressively

With roaring thunders


When finally exhausted

From over indulgence

His stamina weakens

Tail between legs

Summer is forced to step out

In a sorrowful dismission



Summer Shower


Summer is here

Air is heating up

Moisture turns into vapor

Forming rain clouds


Love that shower

Comes down suddenly

Like a bonus chill

When the sun still peeks through clouds


It cools down the scorched skin

Lightens up the sizzling temper

Cracks a smile from the sultry face

Like a response to the whimsy from heaven




Glow like Summer Sun


Get on the sunny side of my mood

Break the seal from time passed

Find my pristine heart


Dig out the imagination power

Embedded deep in my mind

It will sail me to a new horizon


Allow curiosity to be my driving force

Explore the deepest sea of emotion

Where unknown treasures hide


Permit my passion to burns wildly

To char those restraints

From old-stale dogmas


Love this journey of creativity

Full of surprises and wonders

Let it glow like the summer sun 

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