Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Radomir Vojtech Luza

Second Season Reason

(Dedicated to My Fiance Patricia Murphy)

This is Summer love sent from up above
White as an alabaster dove
In the spearmint sand where I land

Dreaming of pure romance
The Gods let go and sent me you
In a midnight dance
Quiet as a teenage advance

Now loud as a crow
You go to the next row
Stepping low like Fidel Castro
As you grow into the flow

Right or wrong
You know where love to dock
Heart to rock
Soul to stock

My always girl caught up in this L.A. swirl
Learning pink to hurl
At this insanely dark world
Valhalla whirl

Ghosts at the Door

Mother and father seeing you now
Though you are dead
52 years wed
Standing like lead
Having bled

At The Comedy Store on The Sunset Strip
Imploring me to go no more

Sleeping in The People Helping People shelter
Asking me to leave skid row

Sitting in a coffee black wheelchair
Begging me to get out of 
Grand Valley Healthcare Center in Van Nuys, CA in one piece

Swallowing pink Lithium pills
Insisting I leave Del Amo Mental Institution in Carson, CA
At my own risk

Mom and dad you loved me too much
As the first born throwing me under the bus

I carried the family of four on my back
Until at 23 I could no longer be

That Summer of 1987 murdered me
But, hey, you three were free to come at me over tea

Now you stand at the store wanting lore
But I have nothing left to give

My hips are sore
Lips dead as a rusted door
Fingertips red as fire galore

Please go away
I do not want you to stay

Tears dripping down my shirt
I am beyond hurt

You are curt and alert to your skirt
Missing my trembling face
Without an inch of lace

Eyes that cannot be erased
U2 and Joshua Tree bringing me steaming grace
In the Czech house on the American street
That almost did me delete

Daquiri Waves on Empty Graves

(For My Patricia)

At 18 looking for a Summer dream
Someone to share my gleam
Teenage steam

A beautiful girl in this Golden State swirl 
Riding stars above the coconut moon
In stolen pieces of June

No one but God to lead me down this boulevard of butter
This very terrace of time

Libido grabbing me by the neck
Romance the lower deck
Lust the rest

Turning into a sugary wreck
As I struggle with my self-esteem
On this Gibraltar of steam
Madagascar of cream

Retinas gazing at bikinis in the sand
Young love on the other hand
Making a final stand
Where there is no land
Only an invisible rock band

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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...