Friday, June 17, 2022

Madison Oty


Rays of yellow light cast down

On Us

In a shimmering moment, my mind ran wild

Crazing over you

Praying over you

Laying over you

While the warmth spreads through my senses

Even though they left me.

A single touch felt like Eden in May

Although it does not stay

And is fleeting, far away.

It was the temptation pulling


Under the shade of the trees

Leading Us

To a darkness We could not have foreseen.

Although We knew better,

I did not do better.

Warnings echoing from the clouds that could not have cleared

My disillusioned mind

The hunger that crept into my heart,

Always wanting more.

The lights shining dimmed from the darkness storming in,

And the rapidness of the rain could not be stopped

Even by the mightiness of God himself.

Not even the Angels from Heaven above can help Us now.

We are far past saving.

Not Another Love Poem

Love poems are not real

How can one put it into words

So many different ways, times, places

All just to articulate this one feeling

But if it is a poem of love...

If I were to sit


Head bowed, back arched,

Fingers bent, pausing in contemplation

Over my constrained keyboard

Or a soon to be crumpled and tossed piece of paper

I would know that this is not a love poem.

I am not writing about my love for poetry,

My love for the rhythms dancing across the page

The words reflecting images in my mind

Or how it gives you the power of expression.

This poem is a poem of love.

A specific type, of love

So terrifying your hands shake to write it

To lose it to the world

Constrain it into something that can be defined,

Even though it cannot.

There is no justifiable way to write the way it feels

When desire is surpassed

At its highest peak, it becomes something greater

And hands interlock

Pressing firmly against the other

Leaving no room,

No distance,

As if at any moment the tension could be lost.

As you stare into them for affirmation

Send energies between traveling bodies

To affirm a mutual understanding

That there is something that cannot fully be understood

Like why the heart rises at the thought of it

Why it devours every essence of your being,

This thought, of an eternal joy that may be real,

These are all things to love about love

Things to love about my love for you


My Love.

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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...