Saturday, June 11, 2022

Jackie Chou

The Girl Nobody Likes 

Stacy worked for my dad

in a summer of love songs on cassettes 

and Judy Blume coming-of-age stories

Stacy flipped her golden brown curls

Stacy reapplied lavender lipstick

Stacy smiled for the camera

displaying straight white teeth

Stacy scooped ice cream

with small but hardy hands

Stacy laughed at the ketchup faces

I drew on hamburger patties

I was the student government historian

with braces and thick spectacles 

appointed by the teacher

not the votes of my peers

Years later Stacy became a bank teller

I'm no longer the girl nobody likes

Summer Remedies

My love is a snow cone

to my parched tongue

cold, tangy, rainbow-colored juice

kaleidoscopic soul

a pair of flip-flops 

on the sandy shore

softness to my blistered feet

a top-down convertible 

cruising in the breeze

whose wheel I hold

in my once empty hands

the blazing heat 

and all its remedies

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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...