Saturday, June 11, 2022

Alicia Viguer-Espert



I believe in science

one steps out of the blue

sphere of narrow perspectives

borders disappear into dust motes

creating the cosmos’ choreography.


It’s impossible not to acknowledge

how small and equal we are

what nurtures us must feed

the planet our rhythmic breath;

selfishness is a genetic error.


Science reveals Love’s creativity

informs Nature’s assertion equally

its oxygen permeates history

connects, fills every crack of life

behaving just like Dark Matter

that 95% of mass we cannot see.


Subtly it affects us, shapes

Galaxies, holds them in place

by a gravitational field engineered

by what we cannot understand,

Love Matter.



Summer Love


Perfectly aligned stars rained

above eyes on heavens like prayers

and while our backs sank in the sand,                            

bent knees alternated touching with not.


Behind blackberry bushes and wild reeds

we threw crumpled papers into the pond

after writing our names on lined tablets,

like Moses, or God.


Koi ate not only the capital but the small case

letters of those names penciled so lovingly.

This kind of love: flushed face, red smile,

heart aflame in growing breasts rendered us

tongue-tied, though aware of our arm hairs

rising like kites on a windy morning.


Once we held hands to cross the street,

but disengaged slowly afraid

to weld like gold under heat.

Lips half open, eyelids half closed

we bumped into street lights,

stepped on sea urchins in the rocks.


On the last summer day,

stars perfectly aligned,

bronzed legs inside the sea

he placed my hands on his waist,

held my face between his fingers

before giving me the first salty gift

I ever returned.


When You Left


the house turned into the dark hull of a boat,

an ambush of windowless cells

where thorns from a recent bouquet prickled

my tender skin.

I tried to mend my heart

with the only threads I owned

frayed by sadness,

but without light

I stabbed my fingers.


The bathroom mirror reflected

your dancing presence, flirting eyes,

a dent on my pillow kissed me passionately,

until a crow cawed repeatedly.

When I looked outside a window,

resplendor blinded me


to the words you whispered

the first day, “I love you

but I won’t stay.”

You stayed,

until you didn’t.


To my surprise summer radiance continued glowing on trees,

until shades transformed into shadows.

I wore the stiletto blue sandals you bought me

for six consecutive months,

played the scene again and again in my mind,

you pleading me to walk the Passarella one more time,

eyes on my bare legs glassy with desire.



I took the imaginary bouquet to the trash,

exited the boat’s hull, climbed to deck

in time to watch a refreshing breeze

lift the unsubstantial fabric of our love.

Impassible, I sat on your leather chair,

slowed my breathing,


until you were completely blown away.

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Dean Okamura

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