Saturday, June 11, 2022

Robert Fleming

Surfin’ USA in the shower


Hawthorne California land-bound

Barbara Ann used 2 b water-surfaced

dodge a shoulder shot

furred 2 b a hare in a Little Deuce

Coupe / hopping in a convertible

back seat blasts Elmer hunting

California Girls / Fudd get off

the wrong side of a fire-arm

Elmer hunts All Summer Long

when meds get 2 the in-correct

blood level Help Me Rhonda

hunt me back 2 the hutch

rain on my rear-view-mirror

i get around in the rain

the rear-seats vinyl cry

i am True To My School not 2 my meds

a seagull beaks a crappie carcass

Fun Fun Fun

Brian-Dennis-Carl-Mike-Al un-shirt

a tongue-tip catches a slip & slide

from an unhaired neck 2 navel

Beach Boys good good GoOD ViBratIonS

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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...