Friday, June 17, 2022

Patricia Murphy

"Summer Love

I'm on a summer love trip with my beloved.  
To a far away destination.  
We are gathered together in love. 
On a much needed vacation. 

I'm tired from all the stress I must deal with.  
He's tired from being ill for two years. 
We re together on this journey of love. 

For two in love can conquer the world.  
Twice snubbed, once loved. 

The road of life is long and wide. 
In the midst two people can get lost. 
As we cling to a distant limb, 
Hanging onto a tree. 
We stumble and stream to survive. 
To the long drive up hill. 
We arrive slowly, 
But constantly side by side. 

In the heat of the hot summer 
We strive to our amazement 
To reach our destination. 

We are madly in love 
And happy to be together at last. 
Like a blast from the past. 

"Summer Of 2022

Summer love of 2022 is now and forever. 
It's a very hot summer 
With wildfires already in progress. 
In Wrightwood and Sheep fires 
Here in California.  

Now is the time to cut back 
And protect your property.  
Lawns must be watered for only 
three minutes twice a week. 
We are in a severe drought. 
We have a water shortage. 
It's now or never. 

What will happen with future generations?  
There will be food shortages. 
There will not be enough gasoline. 
No housing for people.  

Are we going back to 
Prehistoric times? 
Or any times at all? 

Who knows. 
Who cares. 
When will it end? 


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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...