Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hedy Habra

Or How A Lover's Skin Shivers Like Moonlight Over Water

                                    Pantoum after Insomnio by Remedios Varo


Let’s dream of the full moon through transparent roofs

Deafened walls watch you sleepwalking with eyes wide open

Embrace this wake as sand awakened by dew at dawn

Follow the flame's glow as hours glide over prayer beads


Deafened walls watch you sleepwalking with eyes wide open

A lost mobilis in mobili rocked by the tide's ebb and flow

Follow the flame's glow as hours glide over prayer beads

Let's store worries in a drawer and throw the key away


A lost mobilis in mobili rocked by the tide's ebb and flow

Shake every speck of stardust from your hair and thoughts

Let's store worries in a drawer and throw the key away

Be happy you've just crossed one task out of a long list 


Shake every speck of stardust from your hair and thoughts

Don't acknowledge yourself as an avatar of a higher self

Be happy you've just crossed one task out of a long list 

Let’s invert it all, climb the slightest beam of light


Don't acknowledge yourself as an avatar of a higher self

Draw your strength from a phoenix riding a tsunami

Let's invert it all, climb the slightest beam of light

See how a lover's skin shivers like moonlight over water



First published by The Opiate


Or How Could I Find My Way In Suspension In Midst Of A Clearing?

                                    After Madeline Series by Marilene Sawaf


Lying down on the grass

            eyes filled with kaleidoscopic

                        images rolling at full speed:

the rabbit pulls me through

            a bottomless pit,

the red-breasted blackbird keeps

            whispering, do not look back,

                        do not search for his deep eyes,

nevermore, nevermore.


The passerine's monotonous chant sways

            me away from the moment 

                        he holds my hand. I think of maps

of love still eluding me:

            they put flowers on my hair,

 sew dresses that mark my waistline,

            someday, someday, they'd say,

                        won’t forgive my drowning within 

labyrinthine paths of wonder.                            


They want me to grow into a likeness

            their sight has already framed,

                         keep me in a cocoon never imagining

my flight: weren’t they ever lost in midst

            of a clearing or ever torn between

mirrors, I wonder, as I spend time

            chiseling my features and figure

                        a curve here, a straighter line over there

attentive to the signals of my heartbeat. 


I am still dizzy from falling

            flapping wings ground me

                        insisting eyes watch me from a balcony

I draw a Map of Tendre of every time

            he looks at me: didn’t he whistle once

when I walked home carrying baguettes?

            And the other day, oblivious

                        of his friends, didn’t he turn around

his glance piercing the nape of my neck?


Signs fill my pages awaiting to be

            deciphered: the flowers on my hair

                        feel heavier, their perfume weighs me

down, the rabbit is out of sight,

            the red-breasted blackbird keeps

                        chanting his rhythmic threnody


First published by Impspired



Or Don't We Often Need An Allegro Ma Non Troppo?

                        After Four Symphonies (# III) by Wadada Leo Smith


Think of a boy lost in midst

            of a rippling sound wave still

                        hanging from his umbilical cord

            he lands on a tipsy summer moon

who tries to chase away the shadows

            from last night’s hangover

                        the boy wants to catch

his own shadow with a fisherman’s

            pole that is really

                        a violinist’s bow


                        A page has been turned    there’s a gap

            in the   symphony


The boy waves his bow around

            a dragonfly and a pink-lipped orchid

                        he wants to become

                                    The Little Prince

            get closer to the orchid’s heart

but she is only pursing her lips for a kiss

                        he envies the dragonfly’s dance


                        Another page    turned      another gap


            Spiritual fires rise out of darkness

in the moon’s secret landscapes

            the dragonfly hides under its shadow

                        the orchid sleeps awaiting a kiss

the boy knows he needs to keep in touch

            with his own shadow and will only

                        hear its music with eyes closed

to find out where he came from

            and what he wants to become



First published by Gargoyle

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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...