Saturday, June 11, 2022

Lori Wall-Holloway

Beautiful Pottery


Beautiful, colorful pot

is smashed by hurt and pain

Pieces shaped like teardrops

are strewn about

hard to collect

Pottery tries to gather

back together

but can’t

only shattering

itself more

feeling hopeless


But each broken fragment

turns into a treasured

gem when carefully

picked up by eternal hands


With the glue of love

the Master slowly begins

to put the vessel

back together like a puzzle

As each piece is joined together

a new creation emerges

unlike before


Shining like a polished jewel


(First Published online by

Highland Park Poetry

April 14, 2022)


What If?


What if –


A woman’s first day in heaven

she is welcomed by loved ones

They excitedly show her around

and introduce her to a peaceful

garden where flowers

with huge blossoms in radiant

colors sit along a quiet stream

lined with majestic Sycamore

and Willow trees

Sounds of children laughing

and playing come from a grassy

area nearby where a young man

with black curly hair plays tag

with them

She watches the delightful

scene until the man turns


The woman gasps

She recognizes him from

a photo above her grandmother’s


It is the grandfather who passed

away when she was small


Entranced, she sees him call

to a beautiful girl and give

her a loving squeeze

Without a word, they smile

and nod to each other before

she approaches the woman


“Hi, my name is Angel,”

the girl softly speaks

“I am glad to meet you.”

She surprises the woman

with a warm hug who

steps back in shock

and turns the focus from

herself to ask where the children

come from


Angel explains some

arrived because of illness

while others came due to violence

“I am told that there are also those

whose mother’s womb rejected

them even though they were desired.”


The woman notices older boys

and girls helping teach very

young children. “Are those the ones

who were miscarried?” she asks


With a deep breath, Angel answers

“Yes, some. But many are here

because there were mothers who

were full of fear and made

a decision to terminate.

“Sadly, those little ones felt

a mixture of love and fear

before the pain of the decision.

Once they arrive, they are given

a name and healing can begin.”


Angel shares her hopes

their moms allow themselves

to grieve the losses so they can

cross a threshold to new life


Before she leaves, Angel gives

the woman one last embrace

and whispers, “I forgive

you for the choice

you made. Maybe one day

you will meet the person the Lord

and I chose who will carry out

my calling and purpose

on Earth so it can be fulfilled.”


Crying, the woman wakes up from her dream


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Dean Okamura

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