Sunday, June 19, 2022

Tish Eastman



That precise moment

you accused my devotion

of simply having

an on/off switch

like a coffee maker

lying in wait for random

shambling sleepover mates


That precise moment

you, replete with my passions

suddenly missed domestic bliss

professed to be past

leaving me on a platform

transfixed, a shade

too frail to not get sucked

into the vacuum

of your metro whoosh


on your third rail


That precise moment

perjured love condemned me

to an echoing funereal walk

to the Big Chair

where you pulled the lever

with little care, not even a pause

for me to fumble

last words


That precise moment

when the current failed

to electroshock

my ruined brain

to restore my trust

my lust, my worth

one seizure, then I went limp

and your place in my memory

went dark


That precise moment

I climbed a hill, to gaze

upon night stripped of mystery

when the power grid for greater LA

in a deafening transformer thrum

suddenly surged back online 

jumpstarting my life

my mind, after a long 


UFO flyover

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Dean Okamura

Love Love - the blank page. Page which accepts every stroke of the pen. Pen turns into a knife. Knife that slices bodies. Bodies split...