Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie

Green High Top Sneakers

You created Adam in your image,

breathed into his nostrils the breath of life

and he became a living being.

Our species began in Africa around 200,000 years ago.

DNA data demonstrates all the nearly 8 billion people populating

our planet today descended from the womb of an ebony

Eve whose African god was replaced by a European one

created in the image of white supremacy.

You are a God of compassion who saw how

your people were oppressed in Egypt.

You heard their cry for release from their slave masters.

You knew their pain and came down to liberate them.1

Well, there’s really little if any archeological

evidence for the Hebrews being slaves in Egypt

or Moses leading them to freedom.

However we do read in U.S. History that the ex-slave,

Harriet Tubman, was called Moses for rescuing some

70 slaves and never losing a passenger while she

was a conductor on the Underground Railroad.

You are also a God of law and order.

You delivered to Moses two tablets of stone written with

your finger, and on them were all the words which

you had spoken to Israel on the mountain from

the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.2

Husbands are told not to covet neighbor's house, wife,

slaves, ox, ass, nor any thing that belongs to his neighbor.


Like my neighbor’s ass, a woman’s body is property.

And so we have crimes against women like middle aged

patriarchs marrying child brides, female genital mutilation,

and laws forbidding abortion even if that pregnancy

was caused by rape or incest.

Reform can be glacier slow.

There were probably many centuries of child sacrifice

before Moses told Israel, “Anyone who sacrifices one

of their children to Molech must be put to death. ” 3

So Molech has been replaced by gun idolatry.

How can Bible believing Christians call themselves “pro-life”

while supporting laws that let the little bodies of Sandy Hook

and Robb elementary school kids be riddled with AR-15 bullets?

Sweet Jesus!

A pair of Converse green high top tennis shoes is left

to identify a fourth grade girl in the Uvalde gun massacre.

How many more infants will be sacrificed to appease

the cruel and greedy god of the National Rifle Association?

These baby killing weapons need to be banned.

If I were a God of wrath

and had the courage of Emmett Till’s mother, I would 4

arrest all those in government who made it legal to buy

assault rifles and then paste upon the walls, floors

and ceilings of their 8 by 10 feet cells the photos

of the blood splattered little body remains by

bullet blasts from rapid fire combat rifles.

If I were a God of love

and had the divine sorcery of a Dante, these convicts, whenever

they were thirsty, could only drink from green high top

tennis shoes the tears of the mothers and fathers

weeping for the infinite loss of their children.


1 Exodus 3:7

2 Deuteronomy 9:10

3 Leviticus 20:1-2

4 Mamie Till Bradley decided to have an open-casket funeral of her brutally murdered son, 

saying: "There was just no way I could describe what was in that box. No way. And I just

wanted the world to see what they had done to my boy.”

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Dean Okamura

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